Enigma Information, Instructions & Installation


If you haven't already done so.. locate, down load and run the Enigma installation program which can be found on the LivingSoftware web site www.livingsoftware.net

The installation program will install the Enigma program on your computer. When an unregistered copy of Enigma runs, each graphic is displayed with an "Evaluation Copy" message plastered over the face of the image. Other than that all the features and functions of the registered copy are available for evaluation. If after trying Enigma you decide you would like to register your copy and remove the "Evaluation Copy" message, select one of the register Enigma links at the LivingSoftware web site. You will be transferred to a secure web page, where you will find information on how to order your registration number with a credit card online, or by calling a toll free phone number, by electronic check or by mail. When you register, you will need to provide the serial number from your copy of the Enigma program and the name under which you want Enigma registered. The serial number is listed on the About Enigma Box which is found by clicking on the Options button on the Preview/Navigation screen and selecting the about Enigma option from the popup menu. A handy "Quick Link" is also provided in the About Enigma Box which will automatically connect you to the LivingSoftware web page.

The Enigma program will run from any folder you choose on your computer's hard drive. However, the conventional procedure is to create a Livingsoftware folder in your program files folder and within that folder create an Enigma folder for the Enigma program files.

The installation program will guide you through the necessary steps described above and offer you the options of placing a shortcut in your start menu and on your desktop.


Enigma's functionality is divided between two main windows or views.. the Preview/Navigation Screen, and the Viewer Screen. Enigma opens the Preview/Navigation Screen when it starts running. The organizational structure of your computer is displayed in one of the navigational panels on this screen in a graphical tree form, allowing you to scroll through the tree branch by branch to any folder on your computer. As each folder is entered, a list of all the images contained in that folder is displayed in another panel on the Preview/Navigation Screen. Any of the images in the image list can be displayed in a preview panel which is also on this screen. In this manner any image on your computer can be quickly located and selected. When an image is selected Enigma replaces the Preview/Navigation Screen with the Viewer Screen depicting the selected image on a resizeable window for comfortable viewing and image manipulation. In addition to detailed inspection and viewing images in a variety of ways the Viewer Screen provides the Enigma user with various graphic transformation functions which include: copying, rotating, flipping, inverting, zooming, cropping, cut & paste, gamma correction, format conversion, and of course, encryption, which is where the name Enigma stems from.

The two main screens are described in detail below. A third screen, used as a cutting board for the crop function and cut & paste operations is covered separately, under the crop function.

Preview/Navigation Screen

The Preview/Navigation Screen is the main control window for Enigma. This is the window you are presented with when you start the program by clicking on its icon (or an Image's icon, if you set your file associations to open image files with Enigma)

The Preview/Navigation Screen contains an image preview panel, file navigation panels, an option button and an access key button.

The Preview Panel is on the right side of the Preview/Navigation Screen. When an image is selected in the Navigation panels a small preview of the image is displayed in the Preview Panel. The Navigation Panels are the four boxes on the left, center, and bottom of the Preview/Navigation Screen. The panel on the left is the Folder List Panel. It shows the currently selected folder, the path tree to that folder, and any folders which are contained within that folder. The center panel is the Image List Panel. The file list panel lists all the images that are in the currently selected folder. The Drive Selector Panel is the Dropdown list Under the Folder List Panel and the dropdown list under the File List Panel is the Image Type Selector Panel.

The "Option Button", above the preview panel, opens a popup menu which allows some program options to be set or changed. Next to the Option button is an "Access Key Button" which allows the entry of a "Text Key" (a password or phrase). A text key allows the viewer to display images that have been encrypted with a matching text encryption key.

Selection of any image on your computer can be accomplished by navigating to the folder where it is located using the cursor keys or the mouse, then open the image in the Viewer Screen by Double clicking the image file name or on the previewed image or by pressing the enter key.

Viewer Screen

The Viewer Screen is the main focus of the entire program. Its purpose is to provide an uncluttered resizable window in which the selected image can be viewed in a variety of ways, and as a workspace where Enigmas graphical techniques can be applied and displayed.

The Viewer Screen has no obvious controls except the standard maximize, minimize and close boxes on the title bar, but.. like most standard windows, it can be moved by grabbing the title bar with the mouse and dynamically resized by dragging the top, bottom, sides or corners of the window. The only visual indicators on the viewer window other than the image itself is the title bar icon which indicates whether the image is encrypted or not, and the title bar caption which shows the path and file name of the image as well as the displayed image size expressed as a percentage of the actual image size.

Control of Enigma's options, image display, and image manipulation functions is exercised from the Viewer Screen through one or more of the following actions: Pressing certain "active keys", mouse operations (Dragging, clicking, and Double Clicking), and a popup menu which is accessible by right clicking anywhere on the viewer window.

Active Keys - Several keys have been selected and enabled as "Active Keys" to provide the user with additional keyboard control. These keys are enumerated here: The plus [+] and minus [-] keys will zoom the image (in & out) in the window, the cursor keys will scroll the image within the window, the Page Up & Page Down keys will page back & forth through all the images in the currently selected folder. The asterisk [*] and slash [/] keys accept the Access and scramble passwords (keys) and also activate the encryption functions. The delete key will delete the image from your computer* and finally, pressing either the Escape key or the Enter key will close the viewer window and return Enigma to the Preview/Navigation Screen.

*CAUTION.. The delete key bypasses the recycle bin and permanently deletes files from the disk

Mouse Operations - The mouse can be used to drag the image within the Viewer Screen window (particularly useful when the images are displayed or zoomed larger than the Viewer Screen window). Grab the title bar with the mouse to move the Viewer Screen on the display. Grab the corners or the top, bottom or side edges to resize the Viewer Screen. Right click anywhere on the image for the popup options menu. Double click on the title bar to toggle the Viewer Screen between normal and fullscreen modes. Double click anywhere on the image to close the viewer Screen and return Enigma to the Preview/Navigation Screen.

Viewer Window Pop Up Menu Items Right click on the Viewer Window to access the popup Menu

PageUp & PageDown - Page back and forth through the folder images.
Rotate (Right & Left) - Rotate the image clockwise or counter clockwise.
Flip (horizontal & vertical) - Mirror or invert the image.
Crop - opens a selection window where a rectangular portion of the image can be selected by clicking the top left corner of the area and dragging the mouse to the bottom right corner. The area being selected is outlined as you drag the mouse. Once the selection is made another popup menu appears offering several crop choices. You can ignore the menu and adjust the selection box by grabbing and dragging the boundaries of the selection box with the mouse, or reselect another area completely. When satisfied with the selection, the following choices are available on the popup menu.
Crop Image to Selection - This option replaces the Image with the selection and returns you to the viewer screen.
Copy Selection to Clip Board - This option places a copy of the selection into the clip board buffer, and leaves you on the crop window for possible further action.
Paste Selection from Clip Board - This option pastes what ever is in the clip board buffer into the currently marked selection box. (Hopefully, the clip board contains something you intentionally put there earlier or at least something that turns out to be useful).
Note: Due consideration should be given to the position, size and aspect ratio of the selection box before pasting because the clipboard contents will be stretched as necessary to fit the selection box.
Select All - This option replaces the Image in the Viewer with the entire crop window image including any cuts & pastes that it contains.
Cancel Crop - Choose this option to abandon the current crop function at any point and return to the viewer window with the image unchanged.
Gamma Level - The purpose of the Gamma Level is to correct for the difference in performance from one type of monitor to another. It is also useful for correcting slightly under-exposed or over-exposed photos.
Undo - This menu selection will undo the last change made to an image in the viewer. If you need to go back any further you only have one other choice. That is to close and re-open the viewer window without saving the changes. This will reload a fresh copy of the image into the Viewer window.
Save as - This selection opens a standard Windows save dialog screen where you can save modified images. The dialog screen opens in the current folder but allows you to select any folder on any drive, even create a new folder before saving. You can save the image over an existing file (not recommended) if you want, or enter a new file name before saving. You can also convert the file to a different supported format by changing the extension of the file name before saving the image.
Scramble- Unscramble - Either "Scramble" or "Unscramble" will be listed on the menu in this location depending on whether the selected image file is encrypted or not. If the Image file is not already encrypted the caption will be "Scramble" and selecting this option will encrypt the file on disk. If the Image file is encrypted the caption will be "UnScramble" and selection will restore file on the disk to its normal state (decrypted). in either case the option is disabled until an access key has been entered and won't function until the access key has been verified.

Image Display... The viewer window will display the images based on one of four possible modes selectable from the menu.

Autofit Autofit zooms the image to the largest size that will allow it to completely fit in the window.
Autofit is the Default display mode.
Fit to Width Sizes the image to completely fill the width of the window.
Fit to Height Sizes the image to completely fill the height of the window.
Original Size Displays the image actual size with no scaling.

Regardless of the Display mode the zoom keys [+] & [-] will still zoom the displayed image

Image Encryption

One of the primary features of Enigma is its ability to encrypt images on the disk and view the encrypted files as if they were unencrypted. An Access Key (password or phrase) allows the user to view any of the image files encrypted or not.

Encryption Keys (Access & Scramble)- Enigma uses two keys (passwords or phrases) to work with image files. An Access Key is used to encrypt or scramble the file(s) as well as access the image once it's scrambled. The Scramble Key is actually only used to verify the access key (check that it wasn't mis-typed) before encrypting files with it.

Menu options on the Viewer Screen menu, the Key button (the button labeled with an image of a key) on the preview screen, and Active keys ([*] & [/] from either screen) allow the user to enter an Access Key, the scramble key and perform the encryption/decryption functions.

The Key button on the Preview Screen is a multiple purpose button. It's caption also functions as an indicator. The presence and color of the caption on the button indicates the button's current function and the status of the Access Key. The following table summarizes the button's possible states and corresponding appearance.

Program Mode Button Caption Button Function Program Status
Normal None (Key Image only) Enter Access key Access Key Has Not Been Entered
Access Mode Key Image & ######
(Caption in yellow)
Enter Scramble Code Access Key Entered, But Not Verified
Enigma Mode Key Image & ######
(Caption in green)
Scramble (encrypt) Image File Access Key Verified,
Selected file is unencrypted
Enigma Mode Key Image & ######
(Caption in red)
UnScramble (decrypt) Image File Access Key Verified,
Selected file is encrypted

activeKeys keys on the keyboard from either window. The Asterisk key ("*") for is a shortcut to the Access key dialog and the Forward Slash key ("/") is the shortcut to the Scramble Code key dialog