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Euclid's RPN version 5 - The full power and convenience of RPN now includes..
  • A Financial Calculator for loans, leases & annuities
  • Amortization Schedules for each of the above
  • A convient perpetuial Monthly Calendar Display
  • "Money Mode" (automatic decimal point insertion)
  • Over 40 handy mathematical functions.
    Now LivingSoftware brings Euclid's RPN to your computer

    Whether your balancing your check book, doing homework, shopping at the grocery store, managing your stock portfolio, or calculating trajectories for moon landings* you will find endless uses for Euclid's RPN on your computer where ever you are. Download version 5.0

    Euclid's RPN is "Free"

  • Free to use, forever, without registration
  • Free to Download.. Program, Program Updates & Manuals
  • Free to install, copy, give to other people, or recommend to other people
  • Free of viruses, spyware, addware, trackingware, and silverware

    Registration We need people to show and teach others about RPN. If you recognize how simple and eligant the RPN system is then we would like you to help introduce Euclid's RPN to the world. If you choose to register and you provide the name and serial number of the person that introduced you to Euclid's RPN we will send that person $5.00 US via PayPal.
    We will also email you your own unique registration ID (Serial Number) so that each time some one registers with your name and serial number you will receive $5.00 from our PayPal account.

  • Euclid RPN Calculator.jpg

    Euclid with the financial calculator open

    Euclid RPN Calculator.jpg

    You can send and receive money for free with a PayPal account which is also free or you can use a credit card or bank account.

    * Hewlett Packard's RPN HP Calculators were frequent fliers on NASA's manned spaceflight missions.

    The Complete Euclid' RPN User manual is here online     Register Euclid!

    Webpage designed and maintained by Wallace Kelly Productions.
    All content copyright 2000 - 2007 LivingSoftWare, Inc, unless specifically noted.